Even the most carefully installed hardwood floors require proper care. This way they will serve for a long time and won’t lose their attractiveness. Follow our tips to maintain your hardwood floors in the best quality.
Hardwood floors do not prefer dirty and wet outdoor boots and shoes. Especially, when it comes to high-heel footwear. Even if you often forget something indoors, it is better to avoid walking booted on the hardwood floor. This way you will not damage your woodblocks with scratches caused by stilettos, sand, and dirt.
Note that the optimal humidity level in the rooms with hardwood floors is about 40-60%. If you have drier air indoors, planks can dry up and crack out. The high humidity rates are the main reason for increased moisture absorption and, as a result, swelling out of the hardwood floor. Regulate humidity indoors all the yearlong (damping units, airing the house, etc.).
Remember that hardwood floors do not like too frequent wet cleanings. By the way, avoid puddles on the floor when you are mopping it. It can damage your wooden surface. Your mop head should be wet a little to make your hardwood surface in the room clean.
It is better to clean your hardwood floor with water only. If you need supplementary cleaning substances for your damp sweeping, buy special-purpose substances for wooden surfaces. Avoid using chloral chemicals, acids, ammonia, etc. Remember that you can make scratches with grinding agents and too harsh pads. Try to use a soft mop head and wipers.
The legs of your table or chairs can make scratches on the hardwood floor. That is why to use special plates for furniture. Soft straps on the sofa, armchair legs will protect your floor from damages when you are moving your furniture.
Protect your hardwood floor with varnish or oil. Varnishing is good for shiny surfaces. At the same time oil protect the floor without a satin-gloss visual effect. Do not forget about periodic scraping to improve the condition of the worn hardwood floor. An average scraping frequency is one time every 2-5 years. The top layer is sheared, and a new finishing layer is used.
If you have any questions about the maintenance and care of hardwood floors, contact Wood Star specialists!
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